
Speech Production : Error Analysis

Judul : Error Analysis: A Case Study Of Malaysian EFL Learners  Penulis : Ali Al-Halawani Abstrak  Analisis kesalahan adalah bidang linguistik terapan yang sangat signifikan serta pembelajaran bahasa asing. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi, menggambarkan dan menjelaskan kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh peserta didik tingkat tersier EFL dalam menangani tugas terjemahan dari Bahasa Melayu ke Bahasa Inggris.  Dalam satu kelas terdapat 38 mahasiswa tahun ke 3 dan 4 yang menjadi subyek penelitian. Dalam jangka satu minggu mahasiswa yang menjadi subyek penelitian diberikan untuk menyelesaikan tugas terjemahan. Jawabannya diperiksa dan dianalisis secara menyeluruh. Berdasarkan penilaian, jelas  bahwa hampir semua mahasiwa melakukan kesalahan yang sama dalam penerjemahan tulis yaitu dalam hal gramatikal atau kolokasi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa guru EFL memahami berbagai jenis kesalahan yang dibuat peserta didik, mereka akan menjadi lebih baik serta mampu m...

Phsycolinguistics Project #2

Name : Chica Henia Nim : 1701010032 PBI 2017

Psycholinguistics Class Project #1

An overview of Psycholinguistic   Dalam materi pembelajaran kali ini membahas mengenai Psycholinguistics , yang pembahasannya berupa : Apa itu Psycholinguistic ?, Tujuan mempelajari Psycholinguistic , Apa itu bahasa ?, dan Apa Fungsi dari bahasa ?. Apa itu  Psycholinguistics ?  Psycholinguistic/psikolinguistik  berasal dari dua kata yaitu psycho atau psikologi ( Mental Processes )  dan Linguistic /Linguistik ( Linguistic Theory ) , artinya sebuah bidang studi yang tujuannya adalah untuk memahami bagaimana orang memperoleh bahasa, menggunakan bahasa untuk berbicara dan mengerti satu sama lain, serta bagaimana bahasa diproses dan diperoleh dalam pemikiran orang. Pembahasaan yang kedua yaitu tujuan mempelajari  Psycholinguistic, t erbagi menjadi dua bagian  yaitu, pertama Topik umum dalam mempelajari Psikolinguistik yang terdiri dari Pemrosesan bahasa, Penyimpanan & Pengambilan Leksikal, Penambahan atau pengambilan/ pemerolehan Bah...

Analysis of Risdayanti's poem

The poet of the poem that I analyze is female. She is a student in one of university in Tasikmalaya. The poem tells about herself, about her life. Tone of the poem confusion and anxiety about what happen to her. The analysis of Risdayanti's poem is, it tells about the author's feelings. She feels confused, and anxiety about the problem that comes to her appear again and again. She feels like the problems are still not solve yet, but the problem come again. She always pray and talk to her god to get help from Him, but she still not get the hand of Him. She feels like really need His help because she can't solve the problems that come to her by herself. In the part of her life, after doing all things by herself, talk to Him often and the problems are not fix yet, she feels surrender. She really need His help, but she's strongly believes after all, He will help her. Reader Response from the poem is suitable for adult or teenager, because the poem is contain sensitif wo...
A Letter to Myself By: Melissa Paiz The clock strikes three in the morning and I find myself still awake Tossing and turning Thinking and thinking about the day that awaits. My mind is against me But my heart tells me to be strong. It tells me that I will eventually find my euphoric key - I just need to hold on. There are reasons why people live on and face the mundane And sometimes bleak hours of this thing we call life. There are reasons we enjoy the sunrise, Every morning bird’s song,  And how some people push the thought of suicide away and put down the knife. The laughter loved one’s cause,  The warmth of a hug and a sweet late night kiss,  It is in these moments that the wounded souls find bliss. I've written words of hatred towards myself for many years, Words that I'd never call anyone else, Words filled with anger and fears. Dear me who has pushed through pain, Attempted ending of...

Rehersal at 9 December 2019

That day we make appointment to practice in campus, in the room we usually used in the third floor, but we don't practice in there because in the third floor all the rooms are used so we back to the first floor. We discussed where will we practice so the last time we practice in rizka's dormitory.

Rehearsal at 2nd December 2019

This day we are practicing at Rizka's dormitory. We are practicing at 09.30. Today also Risdayanti don't coming to practice without confirmed to rizka, so we practicing without her. Narrator replace by Risma maudhi and Rizka.