A Letter to Myself
By: Melissa Paiz
The clock strikes three in the morning and I find myself still awake
Tossing and turning
Thinking and thinking about the day that awaits.
My mind is against me
But my heart tells me to be strong.
It tells me that I will eventually find my euphoric key -
I just need to hold on.
There are reasons why people live on and face the mundane
And sometimes bleak hours of this thing we call life.
There are reasons we enjoy the sunrise,
Every morning bird’s song,
And how some people push the thought of suicide away and put down the knife.
The laughter loved one’s cause,
The warmth of a hug and a sweet late night kiss,
It is in these moments that the wounded souls find bliss.
I've written words of hatred towards myself for many years,
Words that I'd never call anyone else,
Words filled with anger and fears.
Dear me who has pushed through pain,
Attempted ending of all,
And has built an indestructible wall to protect what's left of a broken person.
You love so much and yet never give the same amount to yourself
You help other when they fall,
But you hurt yourself instead of asking for help
You see all of your faults and tear yourself down,
You continue this cycle until you start to drown.
this poem from melissa paiz can be categorized as post moderanism because the poem reflects her feelings. Feelings when this age makes everyone must be strong, strong in facing any changes that always occur in the current era of social situations and conditions, problems that arise and take turns, feelings of alienation, insecurity and uncertainty about their identity, history, progress and truth in who is indeed in the end even though we are down we must still help others who are in trouble even though we are in trouble because humans cannot refuse their own conscience.
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