
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2019

What is Happy? How can you get happy?

pic source : According the english dictonary : Source : Happy or hap·py /ˈhapē/ (adjective) adjective: happy; comparative adjective: happier; superlative adjective: happiest; suffix: -happy 1.feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. sinonim: cheerful, cheery, merry, joyful,etc. 2.fortunate and convenient. sinonim: fortunate, lucky, favorable,etc.      Happy is a positive feeling that arises in oneself due to a thing that has been done or that has happened to ourselves. Every person must have felt a feeling called happy, because in essence humans are given five senses by God one of them is feeling. Does everyone have the same way to get happy? The answer is of course not. Because humans are different there is nothing in common. Regarding how to get happiness, let's discuss how to get happiness according my experience : First, you must be thankful to God and then to yourself, because God has given you extraordinary life. You've been born ...